Tarot (Angel & Rider waite)

What is Tarot?

It is a phychi science, interpretations are based on the divine messages. There are different types of tarot card decks. The graphical representation of the cards may be different in different decks but the interpretation will be the same. My favourite deck however is the Angel Tarot Deck!

There are 78 cards in a deck and based on the query, the querent is asked to pick a defined number of cards. These cards are then placed in a particular layout by the tarot reader.

The pictorial representation gives a beautiful road map of the querent's questions. The querent is then guided accordingly.

How can it help you?

It can be very helpful in cases where you are not aware of your accurate birth date and time. I can help you get answers to your present conflicts, relating to relationships, career, finance or health etc. Get guided and have a blessed life.

Get a course in A Course in Tarot (Rider waite or Angel Cards)




8233f1e408b0935584686224479467b6Pythagorean Numerology is a sacred science of numbers. Everything is resonating at a vibration and is energy and so is your life and every aspect of it including you! 

Numbers are not solid objects but are moving energies or vibrations. Each number contains the potential for light or positive and the negative experiences stored within them. These vibrations influence our life. Each number highlights qualities both strengths and challenges carried within its potential. A number contains spiritual mental emotional and physical elements.

From one's date of birth, we can find out the entire life’s pattern numbers in Money, office, home, name, etc add on to influence every minute of one's life!


How can I help you through Numerology?

You can choose the right numbers while you select your vehicles, house numbers, name, days for important work etc. It is a wonderful tool not only for day to day guidance but also a tool for personal awareness. It can guide you towards the direction your soul is seeking. Also if your name is not in accordance with your life path number...... you may not be able to achieve success as per your hidden potential.

So find the answers of your soul urge hidden in the mysteries of your birth date. Make your numbers  resonate the best for you and have a successful life!

Get a course in Numerology




Graphology is the science of hand writing analysis.

Although the hand or toes hold the pen to write, it is the brain that causes pen to move as it does! When we write, each movement of the pen not only reflects our attitudes but it also reinforces them.

Handwriting is far more than a succession of words put together to create a meaning of communication. It is a map of our attitude and diagram of our subconscious mind. It is a measure of our confidence, self esteem and self reliance. Self image is the lens through which we see life and handwriting patterns mirror these patterns of self image on paper!



 How can I help you with Graphology?

You are guided to alter your hand writing pattern by altering the strokes. Also you will be guided to release the negative energy blocks through other healing methods. Signature can be altered for more success!

So, get your life path healed and also understand how to read the mind of others in your family!

Get a course in Graphology